In this Video you will see where my mind goes during an anxiety/panic attack. Everything in the video is a symbol of what i go through. For example, flicking lights means blurred vision, the smoke in the room meaning cloudy judgement, the random movements meaning confusing in the mind, the light and dark lighting meaning good and bad days, etc. Everything in the video has a exact meaning of what goes through someones mind who deals with anxiety, panic attacks, or depression. I use my dance to express to others how mental issue is a serious issues and it shouldn't be taking lightly……but with more awareness and help i believe we can get rid of mental health issues. Being able to capture what someone goes through or being able to express what someone goes through using film is an excellent way to show people what they are truly experiencing. Sometimes it hard to explain through words and its easier to explain through art…

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Anxiety is the most common mental illness out there, and it takes a lot of different forms. Experiencing some level of anxiety is a normal...


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