Noel vs. Nollaig

Second Chance for Change is a ground-breaking project taking ESC into the realms of mental health and the criminal justice system. Generously funded by Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, ESC worked with the Community Forensic Mental Health Team from the Northern Health and Social Care Trust with a group of men with a history of offending behaviour and serious mental health issues. The men had the chance to look honestly at their lives and to tell their stories in the way they wanted to tell them, Each participant struggles with the labels that they carry and the experiences that have shaped them. These films include moments of questioning, moments of breakthrough and moments of stasis. They reflect where each individual is at at this stage in their journey. This project aims to help each person move further along in their own journey towards recovery.


Noel v. Nollaig – “I played a joke and it backfired. Big time. Prison is prison is prison. So I’ve no-one to blame but myself.” With music by Duke Special.


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Mental Wellness

Mental wellness is a process that involves finding balance in life, including your social, intellectual, physical (diet, exercise, medication management, substance use), spiritual, economic and...


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