
I battled anorexia for two years and more importantly have been dealing with anxiety since I was a kid that worsened two years ago and is something I still struggle with to this day, but I am happy and truly grateful to say that I become stronger every single day. What makes me strong is not only the love I receive from my friends and family, but the fact that I am not alone. I was never alone.


With this music video, I hope that I can touch the lives of others and inspire them to stay strong and be open about themselves, and most of all know that they are not alone and that help is always there.


This is a song that I wrote in support of mental health. There are so many people who suffer from depression, anxiety, and eating disorders, and while it takes a lot of strength to fight them, there is hope that we can become the warrior we are all born to be. This song takes a lot of inspiration from Amanda Todd who is symbolized by the snowflake: unique, beautiful and strong. We are all snowflakes and you are beautiful in your own way. Let no one tell you otherwise.


I thank everyone who has been a part of this video in every possible way. Together, we are strong! xoxo

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Anxiety is the most common mental illness out there, and it takes a lot of different forms. Experiencing some level of anxiety is a normal...


Depression causes severe, negative changes in the way you think and feel which makes it difficult to manage day-to-day tasks and activities such working, sleeping,...

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are a group of conditions that cause serious emotional and physical problems, involving extreme food and weight issues. There are many types of...

Mental Wellness

Mental wellness is a process that involves finding balance in life, including your social, intellectual, physical (diet, exercise, medication management, substance use), spiritual, economic and...


Stigma is: Always untrue Always negative Can be felt toward yourself Stigma around mental illness includes having fixed ideas and judgments about mental illness and/or...


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