Rachel Fusco

Advisory Board Member

Rachel Fusco

Rachel Fusco, MA has spent the last decade building and managing programs that promote tangible social change for teens and college students. Rachel is passionate about intergroup dialogues, team-building, diversity and inclusion, racial identity development, and social justice education. While working for the Posse Foundation, Rachel discovered that success in college and career had much more to do with EQ than IQ and aptitude. Realizing that many of the challenges that our students face in high school and college are preventable, she returned to school to pursue her Master’s of Arts in Clinical Psychology, which she has recently completed. While in graduate school, Rachel built a college and career coaching program for high school and college students. She serves on the advisory board for Art With Impact and, in addition to helping to curate the Olive Film Collection, she supported the creation of the Olive Film Collection Media Guides. She is now working as a counselor at a charter high school in Los Angeles. When not promoting mental health and wellness, Rachel enjoys playing with her husband and three-year-old daughter.

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