Christopher Humphreys

Summer Outreach Coordinator

Christopher Humphreys

Christopher is a senior at Claremont McKenna College, hoping to pursue a career in policy work following the completion of his undergraduate studies. As evidenced by his dual majors—Philosophy & Public Affairs, and Spanish—Christopher has an affinity for pursuing unique, unconventional pathways to align his professional endeavors with his personal interests and passions. In the arts, Christopher immensely enjoys studio arts such as sketching and painting, and has worked as a studio and performance musician, and theatre actor. In the realm of public service and policy, Christopher spent a semester in Washington, D.C. working for the Center for American Progress.

By working as a member of the Art With Impact team, Christopher enjoys the full satisfaction of his desire to help people by engaging in work within the public sphere, while encouraging the pursuit and development of self-care and artistic expression.

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