The OLIVE Film Collection

OLIVE stands for the Online Library of Interactive Video and Engagement and is the world’s most diverse collection of short films about mental health issues. The library grows each month through our monthly short film competition, and each year through our Voices With Impact short film production grants.

We share these films as educational resources. As works of art, they can elicit strong responses. Please take care of yourself while watching these films! We’ve created these guides as resources for you when watching the OLIVE films alone, with friends, with your children and/or with your students.

These films are provided here for personal viewing or facilitation in small groups. If you want to use these in more structured programs, please fill out this form for official use.

Tips and Guidelines for Watching OLIVE Alone or With FriendsGuía y Sugerencias para Ver OLIVE Solo o Con Amigos

Tips and Guidelines for Watching OLIVE With Your Students or ChildrenGuía y Sugerencias para Ver OLIVE Con Sus Estudiantes o Hijos

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After being released from jail, Jason struggles with what happened to him being bars and re-claiming the life he once knew. Content heads up: mention of sexual violence, impacts of sexual violence, homophobia, internalized homophobia
The Opioid of Genocide
The Opioid of Genocide
A film that promises to shock, inspire and motivate change, for our nations, who are faced with the continued devastation in the Opioid Epidemic that started at the beginnings of colonization. Content heads up: discussion of suicide, substance use...
Me Too
Me Too
A Youtube vlogger experiences sexual violence at a party, and how she learns to cope with the after effects of trauma is seen through the eyes of her webcam. ‘Me Too’ is the public dramatization of a very private struggle faced by millions of wom...
Tekona reflects on his family’s teachings while he braids his hair in the early morning and makes deeper connections to his Indigenous identity.  The film is a glimpse into ...
Believe Me
Believe Me
In the wake of the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, a teenage girl is raped at a party and fears she won’t be believed because of the rape culture messages overwhelming her online and at home. Content heads up: impacts and visual depiction of sexual as...
Walk of Shame
Walk of Shame
As a young student walks down a street of houses, she uncovers a fragmented and traumatic memory. Content heads up: depiction of sexual assault, impacts of sexual assault
Tsi Teyoto:te (Even in the Silence)
Tsi Teyoto:te (Even in the Silence) is an experimental film told entirely in Kanien'keha (Mohawk language) that examines the impacts of underage drinking in Indigenous communities and the struggle to overcome grief and past traumas through culture, t...
SECRET HORROR starts important dialogue about concurrent experiences, navigating depression and alcohol use, and shows how art-making can make us feel truly alive. Content Heads Up: Mention of depression, substance use disorder, medication managem...
Visualizing Lies
Visualizing Lies
Visualizing Lies is a visual poem attacking the difficult topics of depression, anxiety, and overall mental health. The filmmaker's goals were to help break mental health stigma within their community and shine a light on the experience beneath a 'hi...
"Faded" is an alternative, narrative short film about living with depression, portraying the struggle of doing simple daily tasks that most of us take for granted. Rebecca, the filmmaker, encourages people who are struggling with depression to hold o...
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